Tuition Fees

Determination of tuition fee for Non-EU students residing abroad

International students with a non-EU citizenship have the possibility to pay the tuition fee based on the Flat Rate, without the submission of any financial documents. In this case, tuition fees range from 400 to 3,500 € per year according to the citizenship.

For more information please check here.

All the information about deadlines and istallments  are available here.

Non-EU students also have the possibility to pay the tuition fee adjusted to their family’s economic situation. Please check here for more information


Determination of tuition fee for Italian students, EU students wherever residing and Non-EU students residing regularly in Italy

Tuition fees for Italian and EU students range from 156 to 3,807 € per year according to family income. University fees are based on a Flat Rate. Tuition fees include a flat fee (or fixed / first installment, 156 €) and a variable fee (all-inclusive fee).

For complete information please see this page. There you will also find a Tax Simulator for incomes produced abroad.

Tuition fees are split in 4 installments (see deadlines at this page)



For precise details on fees exemption please check this page.

All the information on refunds are available on this page.



For specific information please book an appointment with the tax office on this page. You can also ask for fees and payments info via the “filo diretto” platform.